Technical Information

Download technical information about DIVELIME products
DIVELIME offers two grades of soda lime, Intersorb® 812 and Spherasorb® 408, which have been specifically developed for rebreather diving. Both have been tested to, and conform to the STANAG 1411 and EN14143 standards for rebreathers. Please download the relevant datasheet for the product you are interested in. (PDF format - Adobe Reader required).

Material Safety Data Sheet - Intersorb®
(MSDS_Intersorb_Nonindicating_diving_grade.pdf) (57k)

Material Safety Data Sheet - Spherasorb®
(MSDS_Spherasorb_WV_indicating_diving_grade.pdf) (57k)

Statement – NATO test 1411 & EN14143
(Statement_for_NATO_1411_and_EN14143.pdf) (82k)

Technical Data – Intersorb®
(Intersorb812_DiveGrade_TDS_4411.pdf) (74k)

Technical Data – Spherasorb®
(Spherasorb408_DiveGrade_TDS_4411.pdf) (74k)

Transport Statement
(Transport_statement.pdf) (78k)
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